News articles and events on WLFW and Target Species sites.
Urban Wildlife Initiative Engages Communities
American society is more ethnically and socially diverse than any other time in history, and this diversity will only increase into the future. However, visitors to the National Wildlife Refuge System, in general, have not been representative of this change. In order to build a connected conservation community that recognizes values for people and wildlife, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has embarked on a multi-faceted Urban Wildlife Refuge Initiative to reflect the diverse perspectives, values and cultures of America.
NRCS and Forest Service Partner to Improve Forest Health
Agriculture Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Robert Bonnie announced today a multi-year partnership between the U.S. Forest Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to improve the health and resiliency of forest ecosystems where public and private lands meet across the nation.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and The Nature Conservancy Establish New National Agreement for More Controlled Burning
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and The Nature Conservancy announce a new partnership that will for the first time increase and better coordinate controlled burn activities, also known as prescribed fire, on their respective lands to enhance wildlife values. The agreement will encourage more efficient use of personnel and equipment while treating lands that might otherwise not get the benefit of controlled burning.
Coalition Renews Drive for Federal Funding of Conservation, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Yesterday afternoon, the America’s Voice for Conservation, Recreation and Preservation (AVCRP) coalition sent a broad letter urging Congress to invest in natural resource conservation, outdoor recreation, and historic preservation. More than 500 organizations, representing millions of citizens with diverse political backgrounds and areas of interest, have united behind a shared understanding that federal investments in these critical sectors are vital to the future of our nation and historic heritage.
Executive Order -- Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change
President Obama signed an executive order that will begin to prepare the Nation for the impacts of climate change by undertaking actions to enhance climate preparedness and resilience.
Appalachian LCC Chair David Whitehurst Receives Seth Gordon Award
David Whitehurst, Steering Committee Chair of the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and Director of the Bureau of Wildlife Resources for the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, has been awarded the Seth Gordon Award at the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies' (AFWA) 103rd Annual Meeting held September 10th in Portland, Oregon.
Native Plants Boost Conservation Benefits, Strengthen Wildlife Populations
Native plants in many parts of the U.S. are struggling because of changes in land use and climate, posing problems for the wildlife species that depend on them for sustenance and sanctuary.
Forest Service Awards $44.2M to Conserve At-Risk Forests
Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell announced the award of $44.2 million in grants to permanently protect 16 working forests in 15 states, including a project that will protect 8,000 acres of working forestland in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina and another project to protect 1,100-acres located in Franklin County, PA and containing a stretch of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail.
USDA, Interior and Defense departments partner to benefit agricultural lands, wildlife habitat and military readiness
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Defense Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Installations and Environment John Conger announced today a federal, local and private collaboration that will preserve agricultural lands, assist with military readiness and restore and protect wildlife habitat.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Boosts State Endangered Species Conservation Efforts with $32 Million in Grants
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced nearly $32 million in grants to 20 states to help advance their collaborative efforts to conserve America’s rarest species. The cooperative grants will provide vital support to efforts by partnering state wildlife agencies and conservation organizations to improve the health of the land and water that supports these species and scores of communities across the nation.
USDA and DOI Highlight Successes of Protecting Bird Habitat on Private Lands
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell today announced the release of the State of the Birds 2013 Report on Private Lands. A collaborative effort as part of the U.S. North American Bird Conservation Initiative, involving federal and state wildlife agencies and scientific and conservation organizations, the report shows how private land conservation incentives positively impact bird habitat.
NRCS, Landowners Improve Habitat for At-risk Species
Through voluntary conservation, American farmers, ranchers and forestland owners are restoring and protecting habitat for seven at-risk wildlife species.
Gov. Deal Honors Three Companies as 2012 Forestry for Wildlife Partners
Gov. Nathan Deal recognized three corporate forest landowners today for their stewardship in land management and practices benefiting the state’s wildlife.
Initiative Heals Rare Forest and Recovers Squirrel
Fortunately for the West Virginia northern flying squirrel and the Cheat Mountain salamander, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is supported by a number of partners, through the Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative (CASRI), in efforts to protect and restore historic red spruce-northern hardwood ecosystems across the high elevation landscapes of central Appalachia. The CASRI is a partnership of diverse interests with a common goal of protecting the remaining red spruce stands and restore red spruce ecosystems where they have disappeared.
Federal/private partnership brings in 4-to-1 taxpayer returns for conservation
The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation partnership created $40.5 million out of an initial $10.3 million taxpayer investment in 2011 for on-the-ground conservation efforts throughout the United States.
78th Conference Special Session to Look at Landscape Conservation in North America
The last decade has seen significant advancements in the nature and number of science-management partnerships that address landscape-level conservation throughout North America. Numerous federal and state agencies, as well as conservation NGO’s, have joined forces through these partnerships to advance conservation that is holistic, collaborative, adaptive and grounded in science to ensure the sustainability of our lands, waters, wildlife and cultural resources.
Service Releases Annual List of Candidates for Endangered Species Act
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced its Candidate Notice of Review, a yearly appraisal of the current status of plants and animals considered candidates for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Seeks Proposals from States for Annual Endangered Species Grants
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking proposals from states and U.S. territories interested in obtaining federal financial assistance to acquire land or conduct planning efforts for endangered species conservation.
Lock Haven, Nature Conservancy Protect 5,200 Acres in Conservation Effort
Lock Haven City Authority, as a partner in The Nature Conservancy’s Working Woodlands Program, agrees to forever protect and sustainably manage its forest and freshwater resources.
USDA and Interior Reach Historic Agreement to Support Voluntary Wildlife Conservation Efforts on Working Agricultural Lands
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Dave White and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Director Dan Ashe today announced an agreement that will provide long-term regulatory predictability for up to 30 years to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners participating in NRCS’s Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) Initiative.