Delayed detection of climate mitigation benefits due to climate inertia and variability
Climate change mitigation acts by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and thus curbing, or even reversing, the increase in their atmospheric concentration. This ...
Climate variability, Climate Impacts, Detection of mitigation benefits, Climate Change, Regional change, Greenhouse gases, Mitigation, Atmospheric CO2, Emission...
The material footprint of nations
Metrics on resource productivity currently used by governments suggest that some developed countries have increased the use of natural resources at a slower rat...
Green-up dates in the Tibetan Plateau have continuously advanced from 1982 to 2011
As the Earth’s third pole, the Tibetan Plateau has experienced a pronounced warming in the past decades. Recent studies reported that the start of the vegetat...
Land, irrigation water, greenhouse gas, and reactive nitrogen burdens of meat, eggs, and dairy production in the United States
Livestock production impacts air and water quality, ocean health, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on regional to global scales and it is the largest use of l...
Global water resources affected by human interventions and climate change
Humans directly change the dynamics of the water cycle through dams constructed for water storage, and through water withdrawals for industrial, agricultural, o...
Satellite methods underestimate indirect climate forcing by aerosols
Satellite-based estimates of the aerosol indirect effect (AIE) are consistently smaller than the estimates from global aerosol models, and, partly as a result o...
Assessing the impacts of livestock production on biodiversity in rangeland ecosystems
Biodiversity in rangelands is decreasing, due to intense utilization for livestock production and conversion of rangeland into cropland; yet the outlook of rang...
Disturbance, Temperature, Consumption, Land cover, Livestock production, Food suppy, Land surface, Management, Environmental Policy, Habitat degradation, Federa...
Carbon debt of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) grasslands converted to bioenergy production
Over 13 million ha of former cropland are enrolled in the US Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), providing well-recognized biodiversity, water quality, and carb...
Predicted change, Biofuel, Conservation priority, Bioenergy, Tillage, Environmental Policy, Biomass burning, Carbon storage, Carbon policy, Cellulosic biofuel, ...
Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought
Climate change is progressively increasing severe drought events in the Northern Hemisphere, causing regional tree die-off events and contributing to the global...
Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization
The collapse of the Bronze Age Harappan, one of the earliest urban civilizations, remains an enigma. Urbanism flourished in the western region of the Indo-Gange...
Impacts of climate warming on terrestrial ectotherms across latitude
he impact of anthropogenic climate change on terrestrial organ- isms is often predicted to increase with latitude, in parallel with the rate of warming. Yet the...
Improved probability of detection of ecological “surprises”
Ecological “surprises” are defined as unexpected findings about the natural environment. They are critically important in ecology because they are catalysts...
Dispersal will limit ability of mammals to track climate change in the Western Hemisphere
As they have in response to past climatic changes, many species will shift their distributions in response to modern climate change. However, due to the unprece...
Rapid, Human–wildlife interactions, Extinction risk, Environmental stress, Megafauna, Disturbance, Limit to adaptation, Defaunation, Predicted change, Climate...
Clone history shapes Populus drought responses
Just as animal monozygotic twins can experience different environmental conditions by being reared apart, individual genetically identical trees of the genus Po...
Climate Impacts, Populus, Climate Change, Deciduous forest, Epigenetics, Poplar, Drought effects, Drought, Genotypes
Molecular study of worldwide distribution and diversity of soil animals
The global distribution of soil animals and the relationship of below-ground biodiversity to above-ground biodiversity are not well understood. We examined 17,5...
Housing growth in and near United States protected areas limits their conservation value
Protected areas are crucial for biodiversity conservation because they provide safe havens for species threatened by land-use change and resulting habitat loss....
Flow regime, temperature, and biotic interactions drive differential declines of trout species under climate change
Broad-scale studies of climate change effects on freshwater species have focused mainly on temperature, ignoring critical drivers such as flow regime and biotic...
Wilderness and biodiversity conservation
Human pressure threatens many species and ecosystems, so con- servation efforts necessarily prioritize saving them. However, conservation should clearly be proa...
Responses of wind erosion to climate-induced vegetation changes on the Colorado Plateau
Projected increases in aridity throughout the southwestern United States due to anthropogenic climate change will likely cause reduc- tions in perennial vegetat...
Point of No Return :The massive climate threats we must avoid
The world is quickly reaching a Point of No Return for preventing the worst impacts of climate change. Continuing on the current course will make it difficult, ...