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Training Resources

The Appalachian LCC has developed training for GIS tools, resources, and software utilized in Landscape Conservation Design (LCD). These training resources are online and can be accessed through the Appalachian LCC portal. Documents, presentations, and videos assist users in effectively utilizing the available tools. There is also information available on in-person training opportunities sponsored by the Appalachian LCC. All supporting materials for in-person training activities are available for download.

Landscape Level Conservation Design - Conservation planning identifies and prioritizes lands that encompass important natural and/or cultural resources across the landscape and develops protection and management strategies for these lands. The goal is to create interconnected reserves of managed lands that are resilient to the many environmental changes that are occurring rapidly on the landscape.

    • Marxan - Marxan is among the most widely used conservation planning tools throughout the world, providing decision-making support for land managers and conservation practitioners alike. The Appalachian LCC is dedicated to building the technical capacity for its integration across the landscape.

Conservation Design - The Appalachian LCC a science-based mapping and analysis platform was developed to support the conservation community and their diverse needs to view, access, create, and analyze spatial data and maps. This platform provides access to a suite of scientific data that is relevant to a variety of conservation planning goals including the execution of custom designed decision support tools and  deployment of spatial data infrastructures.

Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool - This user-friendly tool allows managers and decision makers to rapidly identify and prioritize areas along the banks of rivers, streams, and lakes for restoration, making these ecosystems more resilient to disturbance and future changes in climate. For a comprehensive overview of the tool, check out this recording from the Safeguarding Wildlife Webinar Series. For instructions on how to use the tool, check out this Tutorial that describes steps to depict areas that would benefit most from riparian restoration.

Assessing Future Energy Development Tool - A new study and online mapping tool developed by The Nature Conservancy and funded through a grant by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) are intended to inform discussions among conservation agencies and organizations, industry, policy makers, regulators and the public on how to protect essential natural resources while realizing the benefits of increased domestic energy production. View a video presentation by Thomas Minney, Director of The Nature Conservancy in West Virginia, which provides a detailed overview of Assessing Future Energy Development across the Appalachian LCC research, findings, and major products.