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Climate Science Document Library 2012

Title Description
Do small tributaries function as refuges from floods? A test in a salmonid-dominated mountainous river Excerpts from the text: On 8–10 August 2003, a powerful typhoon hit Hokkaido Island, Japan, accompanied with heavy rain, which allowed us to investigate the p...
Palaeodata-informed modelling of large carbon losses from recent burning of boreal forests Wildfires play a key role in the boreal forest carbon cycle (1,2) , and models suggest that accelerated burning will increase boreal C emissions in the coming c...
Effects of grazing on grassland soil carbon: a global review Soils of grasslands represent a large potential reservoir for storing CO2, but this potential likely depends on how grasslands are managed for large mammal graz...
Palaeodata-informed modelling of large carbon losses from recent burning of boreal forests Wildfires play a key role in the boreal forest carbon cycle(1,2), and models suggest that accelerated burning will increase boreal C emissions in the coming cen...
Evaporative cooling over the Tibetan Plateau induced by vegetation growth Here, we show that in contrast to arctic regions, increased growing season vegetation activity over the TP may have attenuated surface warming. This negative fe...
Biodiversity gains from efficient use of private sponsorship for flagship species conservation To address the global extinction crisis, both efficient use of existing conservation funding and new sources of funding are vital. Private sponsorship of charis...
Key role of symbiotic dinitrogen fixation in tropical forest secondary succession Forests contribute a significant portion of the land carbon sink, but their ability to sequester CO2 may be constrained by nitrogen 1–6, a major plant-limitin...
Soil Temperature following Logging-Debris Manipulation and Aspen Regrowth in Minnesota: Implications for Sampling Depth and Alteration of Soil Processes Soil temperature is a fundamental controller of processes influencing the transformation and flux of soil C and nutrients following forest harvest. Soil tempe...
Statistically derived contributions of diverse human influences to twentieth-century temperature changes The warming of the climate system is unequivocal as evidenced by an increase in global temperatures by 0.8 ◦ C over the past century. However, the attribution...
Projected increase in lightning strikes in the United States due to global warming Lightning plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry and in the initiation of wildfires, but the impact of global warming on lightning rates is poorly con...
Thermal legacies: transgenerational effects of temperature on growth in a vertebrate Transgenerational plasticity (TGP), a generalisation of more widely studied maternal effects, occurs whenever environmental cues experienced by either parent pr...
Sagebrush carrying out hydraulic lift enhances surface soil nitrogen cycling and nitrogen uptake into inflorescences Plant roots serve as conduits for water flow not only from soil to leaves but also from wetter to drier soil. This hydraulic redistribution through root systems...
A large source of low-volatility secondary organic aerosol Forests emit large quantities of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to the atmosphere. Their condensable oxidation products can form secondary organic aerosol, a...
Livestock and the Environment: What Have We Learned in the Past Decade? The livestock and environment nexus has been the subject of considerable research in the past decade. With a more prosperous and urbanized population projected ...
Assemblage Time Series Reveal Biodiversity Change but Not Systematic Loss The extent to which biodiversity change in local assemblages contributes to global biodiversity loss is poorly understood. We analyzed 100 time series from bio...
Formation of soil organic matter via biochemical and physical pathways of litter mass loss Soil organic matter is the largest terrestrial carbon pool1. The pool size depends on the balance between formation of soil organic matter from decomposition of...
Land, irrigation water, greenhouse gas, and reactive nitrogen burdens of meat, eggs, and dairy production in the United States Livestock production impacts air and water quality, ocean health, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on regional to global scales and it is the largest use of l...
THE COST OF INACTION: RECOGNISING THE VALUE AT RISK FROM CLIMATE CHANGE The asset management industry—and thus the wider community of investors of all sizes— is facing the prospect of significant losses from the effects of clima...