New Mexico Game and Fish
It is the mission of New Mexico’s Game and Fish Department: “To conserve, regulate, propagate and protect the wildlife and fish within the state of New Mexico using a flexible management system that ensures sustainable use for public food supply, recreation and safety; and to provide for off-highway motor vehicle recreation that recognizes cultural, historic, and resource values while ensuring public safety.”
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Grant Soil and Water Conservation District
The Conservation Partnership provides the framework that can access financial support. Many of these practices are beyond the reach of individual producers. Food in the United States is abundant and relatively inexpensive. The Conservation Partnership can claim a small amount of credit for that fact. Grant SWCD teams with the Grant County Extension Service to provide applied agricultural research programs that enrich youth activities and promote occupations that can remain in rural areas.
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Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery
Founded in 1991 in the southern Rocky Mountains that overlook Silver City, New Mexico, Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery is the home of a young community of Benedictine monks.
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Introduction to the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Research Project
Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies are dependent on the best available projections of how climate will change and impact a region’s natural and cultural resources. Understanding the vulnerability of various species and habitats within the Appalachian LCC to climate change is of critical importance. Identifying the most appropriate steps to acquire climate vulnerability information and then using this information to inform adaptation and mitigation strategies is a major research priority of the LCC.
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Climate Change Vulnerability Previous Habitat Assessments
Research compiled the results of habitat assessments from five previous research projects. These include two projects in the Central Appalachian and Cumberland - Southern Appalachian portion of the LCC; habitat assessments completed in the North Carolina portion of the Cumberland - Southern Appalachian subregion; habitat assessments in the northeastern portion of the Central Appalachian subregion; and a draft assessment for a habitat in the Interior Low Plateau.
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Climate Change Impact: Food Systems, Food Security, and Global Linkages
Food systems both impact and are affected by climate change. Emissions come not only from farming, but also from the processing, manufacturing, distribution, storage, sale, and preparation of food, and the disposal of food wastes. Likewise, climate change influences not just agriculture, but activities that occur throughout this larger system. In this talk, Dr. Peters will address the fundamental concepts of food systems and food security. He will explain how scientists estimate climate emissions from individual supply chains and from whole food systems. He will also consider case study examples of strategies for reducing emissions viewed both from the production and consumer ends of the food system.
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News and Webinars
New Study Uses FIREX-AQ Data to Link Aerosol Properties to Wildfire Smoke
Atmospheric aerosols are effective at scattering light and causing reduced visibility, and the extent to which this process occurs can be linked to overall aerosol concentrations and human health impacts. Measurements taken during the Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) campaign provide a record of this aerosol light scattering during the 2019 wildfire season in the western U.S.
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Climate Links
Study: Subseasonal Forecasts Provide a Powerful Tool for Protecting Whales
Effective management of marine mammal populations threatened by man-made impacts is particularly challenging for marine environments. Not only are these environments highly dynamic and difficult to observe, previous static management approaches have proven problematic or ineffective in marine environments, particularly for highly migratory species or for species undergoing distributional shifts due to climate change.
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Climate Links
Tribal Nation Boundary Feature on Drought Maps
NIDIS, in partnership with NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information, has launched a new map customization feature for Tribal Nations on the Drought.gov. This feature allows users to display reservation boundaries on any map on Drought.gov.
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Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA) Portal
The Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA) portal, an easily accessible and interactive geospatial website, will help federal, state, local and tribal governments as well as non-profit organizations learn about climate hazards impacting their communities.
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