Pebble Count Analyzer
Excel document to enter and analyze pebble count data to retrieve field values for the SQT.
Located in
Hellbender SQT Materials
HBSQT Field Datasheet Package (pdf)
Download and print this packet to record field data for the HBSQT. You may need multiple copies of some of the pages (e.g. LWDI, BEHI)
Located in
Hellbender SQT Materials
Parameter Selection Guide
Print this document and keep in your clipboard for reference. This document lists with metrics should be measured for various types of WLFW projects.
Located in
Hellbender SQT Materials
Macros by Tolerance
Document has macroinvertebrates sorted into groups 1, 2, and 3 based on pollution tolerance, with pictures.
Located in
Hellbender SQT Materials
Hellbender Stream Quantification Tool Spreadsheet
The HBSQT Master Document
Located in
Hellbender SQT Materials