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Coastal Resilience Resource List

An inventory of the work being undertaken by coastal Landscape Conservation Cooperatives and partner organizations to address coastal resilience issues in the Atlantic, Gulf Coast, and Caribbean regions, this new resource offers a one-stop shopping list to support growing collaboration in coastal resilience. The list includes completed, ongoing, and planned projects, reports, guidebooks, programs, online support tools, and papers, searchable by type, organization, or date.

Go to the Product(s)

Excel table of coastal resilience resources available for download on the North Atlantic LCC Coastal Resiliency site

Additional Resources

Thresholds table for coastal species and habitat - Related product from from the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Resiliency Project

"A synthesis of thresholds for focal species along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts" - Paper published by the research team in the journal Ocean & Coastal Management

Project Contact(s):

, Atlantic and Gulf Coast Resiliency Project

, Gulf Restoration Program

LCC Staff Contact(s):

, Science Coordinator

Coastal Resilience Resource List
Resource Type: Amphibians, Birds, Ecosystems, Fish, Invertebrates, Mammals, Plants, Reptiles
Conservation Targets: Coastal and Marine
Conservation Framework: Biological Planning
Threats/Stressors: Climate Change, Sea-level rise and storm impacts
Conservation Action: Site/area management, Species management