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You are here: Home / National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources / Ahoy Ye Landlubber! Submerged Cultural Resources along the GWMP

Ahoy Ye Landlubber! Submerged Cultural Resources along the GWMP

Bradley Krueger, Cultural Resource Specialist, National Park Service, George Washington Memorial Parkway

The George Washington Memorial Parkway (GWMP) is one of the most scenic roadways in the Washington, DC area. Built to honor the nation’s first president, the GWMP preserves natural and cultural resources along the Potomac River between Great Falls and Mount Vernon and administers several historical and commemorative sites. Unbeknownst to many, though, a variety of submerged cultural resources also exist along the parkway. These  resources range from shipwrecks to old docks,  all of which hark back to the heyday of river-based transportation that took place around the region  from the pre-contact period through the twentieth century. These  archeological remnants often  lack public interpretation and their place in the historical landscape goes unnoticed. As such, this poster discusses the rich maritime history of the Potomac River adjacent to the GWMP and highlights a few of the submerged resources located along the water’s edge.

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Ahoy Ye Landlubber! Submerged Cultural Resources along the GWMP
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