Palaeodata-informed modelling of large carbon losses from recent burning of boreal forests
Wildfires play a key role in the boreal forest carbon cycle (1,2) , and models suggest that accelerated burning will increase boreal C emissions in the coming c...
National post-2020 greenhouse gas targets and diversity-aware leadership
Achieving the collective goal of limiting warming to below 2 ◦ C or 1.5 ◦ C compared to pre-industrial levels requires a transition towards a fully decarbon...
Impact of ocean acidification on the structure of future phytoplankton communities
Phytoplankton form the foundation of the marine food web and regulate key biogeochemical processes. These organisms face multiple environmental changes1, includ...
Megaproject reclamation and climate change
Megaprojects such as oil sands mining require large-scale and long-term closure and reclamation plans. Yet these plans are created and approved without consider...
Australia is ‘free to choose’ economic growth and falling environmental pressures
Over two centuries of economic growth have put undeniable pressure on the ecological systems that underpin human well-being. While it is agreed that these press...
METABOLISM AS A CURRENCY AND CONSTRAINT IN ECOLOGY Temperature dependence of trophic interactions are driven by asymmetry of species responses and foraging strategy
We test for the existence of asymmetries in consumer–resource thermal responses by analy- sing an extensive database on thermal response curves of ecological ...
Sensitivity of a Riparian Large Woody Debris Recruitment Model to the Number of Contributing Banks and Tree Fall Pattern
Riparian large woody debris (LWD) recruitment simulations have traditionally applied a random angle of tree fall from two well-forested stream banks. We used a ...
Indian-Set Fires in the Forests of the Northeastern United States
The historical evidence for the Indians' burning the forests of the northeastern United
Abstract. States is reevaluated. Of 35 documents that describe vegetati...
Desert grassland responses to climate and soil moisture suggest divergent vulnerabilities across the southwestern United States
Climate change predictions include warming and drying trends, which are expected to be particularly pronounced in the southwestern United States. In this region...
Preemptive and Salvage Harvesting of New England Forests: When Doing Nothing Is a Viable Alternative
Oneunexpectedconsequenceofnaturaldisturbancesinforestedareasisthatmanagersofteniniti- ate activities that may impose greater ecosystem impacts than the disturba...
Seasonal and diel patterns in the migrations of fishes between a river and a floodplain tributary
The population behaviours associated with the migrations of fishes in lowland river ecosystems are amongst the most poorly-understood dispersal mechanisms of te...
Hydrological connectivity in coastal inland systems: lessons from a Neotropical fish metacommunity
We assessed the influence of hydrological connectivity in structuring fish communities through seasonal samplings of environmental variables and fishes in a coa...
Reconciling nature conservation and traditional farming practices: a spatially explicit framework to assess the extent of High Nature Value farmlands in the European countryside
Agriculture constitutes a dominant land cover worldwide, and rural landscapes under extensive farming practices acknowledged due to high biodiversity levels. Th...
Regional growth decline of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and its potential causes
Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh) has experienced poor vigor, regeneration failure, and elevated mortality across much of its range, but there has been relativ...
Global change and conservation triage on National Wildlife Refuges
National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs) in the United States play an important role in the adaptation of social-ecological systems to climate change, land-use change,...
The Montérégie Connection: linking landscapes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services to improve decision making
To maximize specific ecosystem services (ES) such as food production, people alter landscape structure, i.e., the types of ecosystems present, their relative pr...
Palaeodata-informed modelling of large carbon losses from recent burning of boreal forests
Although boreal fire regimes are heterogeneous, recent trends6 and future projections7 point to increasing fire activity in response to climate warming througho...
Terrestrial water fluxes dominated by transpiration
Renewable fresh water over continents has input from precipitation and losses to the atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration .... The dominance of tran...
Land use efficiency: anticipating future demand for land-sector greenhouse gas emissions abatement and managing trade-offs with agriculture, water, and biodiversity
Competition for land is increasing, and policy needs to ensure the efficient supply of multiple ecosystem services from land systems. We modelled the spatially ...
Transforming Consumption: From Decoupling, to Behavior Change, to System Changes for Sustainable Consumption
Consumption, although often considered an individual choice, is deeply ingrained in behaviors, cultures, and institutions, and is driven and supported by corpor...