Awareness about climate change is at an all-time high. Will this surge of attention translate into more jobs for climate scientists?
Aerosols heat up
Solid particles suspended in the atmosphere have long played second fiddle to greenhouse gases as agents of climate change. A study of atmospheric heating over ...
Aerosols, CO2, Air quality, Land atmosphere coupling, Climate Change, Greenhouse gases, Biosphere–atmosphere feedbacks, Aerosol particles, Dust, Predicted cha...
Scientific reticence and sea level rise
I suggest that ‘scientific reticence’, in some cases, hinders communication with the public about dangers of global warming. If I am right, it is important ...
Projections of Future Drought in the Continental United States and Mexico
Using the Palmer drought severity index, the ability of 19 state-of-the-art climate models to reproduce ob- served statistics of drought over North America is e...
Snow melt during rainfall causes large-scale flooding and avalanching. These rain-on- snow events are most well-documented in the coastal mountain ranges of wes...
Severity of rain on snow depends on a number of factors, and an overall decrease in these events appears to be driven, in part, by changes in El Niño–Souther...
Influence of Timber Harvest on Rain-On-Snow Runoff: A Mechanism for Cumulative Watershed Effects
Rain-on-snow dominates many geomorphological processes in the Pacific Northwest. Wind-aided transfers of heat to snow during rain-on-snow comprise the largest s...
Rain on Snow: Little Understood Killer in the North
n October 2003, a severe rain-on-snow (ROS) event killed approximately 20,000 musk-oxen (Figure 1) on Banks Island, which is the westernmost of the Canadian Arc...
Simulating snowmelt process during rain-on-snow over a semi-arid mountain basin
In the Pacific Northwest of North America, significant flooding can occur during mid-winter rain-on-snow events. Warm, wet Pacific storms caused significant flo...
Protecting Wildlife Migration Corridors and Crucial Wildlife Habitat in the West
1. Large intact and functioning ecosystems, healthy fish and wildlife populations, and abundant public access to natural landscapes are a significan...
Seasonal and diel patterns in the migrations of fishes between a river and a floodplain tributary
The population behaviours associated with the migrations of fishes in lowland river ecosystems are amongst the most poorly-understood dispersal mechanisms of te...
Do small tributaries function as refuges from floods? A test in a salmonid-dominated mountainous river
Excerpts from the text: On 8–10 August 2003, a powerful typhoon hit Hokkaido Island, Japan, accompanied with heavy rain, which allowed us to investigate the p...
Streamflow, Aquatic ecosystems, Tributaries, Floods, Fish, Rivers, Fisheries, Refuge during floods, Climate Change, Salmonid, Resilience
Characteristics, distribution and geomorphic role of large woody debris in a mountain stream of the Chilean Andes
The paper presents an analysis of amounts, characteristics and morphological impact of large woody debris (LWD) in the Tres Arroyos stream, draining an old-grow...
Old-growth forest, Regional runoff, Aquatic ecosystems, Environmental Policy, River Classification, Downstream transport, Forest Management, Ecosystems, Forest ...
Distribution and characterization of in‐channel large wood in relation to geomorphic patterns on a low‐gradient river
A 177 river km georeferenced aerial survey of in‐channel large wood (LW) on the lower Roanoke River, NC was conducted to determine LW dynamics and distributio...
Large woody debris, Streamflow, Aquatic ecosystems, Dead wood, Climate Change, Habitat Improvement, River restoration, Instream Habitat Improvement, Debris, Str...
The floodplain large-wood cycle hypothesis: A mechanism for the physical and biotic structuring of temperate forested alluvial valleys in the North Pacific coastal ecoregion
A ‘floodplain large-wood cycle’ is hypothesized as a mechanism for generating landforms and influencing river dynamics in ways that structure and maintain r...
The use of large wood in stream restoration: experiences from 50 projects in Germany and Austria
1. Wood is increasingly used in restoration projects to improve the hydromorphological and ecological status of streams and rivers. However, despite their growi...
In‐channel large woody debris (LWD) promotes quality aquatic habitat through sediment sorting, pool scouring and in‐stream nutrient retention and transport....
Riparian Habitat Restoration, Land cover, Forests, Decomposition, Riparian vegetation, Riparian Restoration, Water quality, Ecosystems, Habitat quality, Streamf...
Effects of Flow Regulation on Shallow-Water Habitat Dynamics and Floodplain Connectivity
Our study examined the effects of flow regulation on the spatiotemporal availability of shallow habitat patches with slow current velocity (SSCV patches) and fl...
Habitat quality, Floodplain, Aquatic ecosystems, Habitat, Dams, Climate Change, Snow, Snow cover, River restoration, Restoration, Floods, Runoff, Ecosystems, Ri...
Influence of different tree-harvesting intensities on forest soil carbon stocks in boreal and northern temperate forest ecosystems
1.5°C or 2°C: a conduit’s view from the science-policy interface at COP20 in Lima, Peru
An average global 2°C warming compared to pre-industrial times is commonly understood as the most important target in climate policy negotiations. It is a temp...
Climate, Food Security, Temperature, Climate Change, Water, Sustainability, Systems, Dangerous, Ecosystems, Agriculture, extreme events, warming