Life history and spatial traits predict extinction risk due to climate change
There is an urgent need to develop effective vulnerability assessments for evaluating the conservation status of species in a changing climate1. Several new ass...
Inhomogeneous forcing and transient climate sensitivity
Understanding climate sensitivity is critical to projecting climate change in response to a given forcing scenario. Recent analyses1–3 have suggested that tra...
Commentary: The climate policy narrative for a dangerously warming world
It is time to acknowledge that global average temperatures are likely to rise above the 2 °C policy target and consider how that deeply troubling prospect shou...
CO2, Carbon stocks, Climate and society, Climate Change, Carbon cycle, Carbon sink, Atmospheric CO2, Adaptation, Dangerous, Carbon sequestration, Climate Impact...
Predictive traits to the rescue
Climate change poses new challenges to the conservation of species, which at present requires data-hungry models to meaningfully anticipate future threats. Now ...
A systems approach to evaluating the air quality co-benefits of US carbon policies
Because human activities emit greenhouse gases (GHGs) and conventional air pollutants from common sources, policy designed to reduce GHGs can have co-benefits f...
CO2, Air quality, Climate Change, Cost benefit analysis, GHG, Carbon policy, Human health, Human civilization, Co-benefits, Human Dimensions
Human land-use-driven reduction of forest volatiles cools global climate
Human conversion of forest ecosystems to agriculture is a major driver of global change. Conventionally, the impacts of the historical cropland expansion on Ear...
Consequences of widespread tree mortality triggered by drought and temperature stress
Forests provide innumerable ecological, societal and climatological benefits, yet they are vulnerable to drought and temperature extremes. Climate-driven forest...
Forest mortality, Climate Impacts, Temperature, Land atmosphere coupling, Thermal limits, Terrestrial ecosystems, Climate Change, Habitat, Global warming, Fores...
A drought-induced pervasive increase in tree mortality across Canada’s boreal forests
Drought-induced tree mortality is expected to increase worldwide under projected future climate changes (1–4). The Canadian boreal forests, which occupy about...
Temperate, tree mortality, Disturbance, Temperature, Habitat, Carbon cycle, Climate Change, Land Use, Forests, Water, Sustainability, Heat, Carbon sink, Soil, l...
An extreme climatic event alters marine ecosystem structure in a global biodiversity hotspot
Extreme climatic events, such as heat waves, are predicted to increase in frequency and magnitude as a consequence of global warming but their ecological effect...
Key Species, Temperature, Heat wave, Extreme scenarios, Habitat degradation, Movement, Abrupt change, Fisheries, Heat, Ecosystems, Water temperature, Habitat qu...
Quantifying the benefit of early climate change mitigation in avoiding biodiversity loss
Climate change is expected to have significant influences on terrestrial biodiversity at all system levels, including species-level reductions in range size and...
Editorial : Half-hearted engineering
Climate warming is not the only consequence of rising levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases. The only way to counter all effects, including those on rainfall a...
Environmental economics, Economics, Water deficit, Climate Adaptation, Climate Change, General circulation models, Watersheds, Water supply, Geoengineering, Dro...
Stronger winds over a large lake in response to weakening air-to-lake temperature gradient
The impacts of climate change on the world’s large lakes are a cause for concern1–4. For example, over the past decades, mean surface water temperatures in ...
Importance of methane and nitrous oxide for Europe’s terrestrial greenhouse-gas balance
Climate change negotiations aim to reduce net greenhouse-gas emissions by encouraging direct reductions of emissions and crediting countries for their terrestri...
commentary: the case for mandatory sequestration
the fact that cumulative carbon dioxide emissions are more important than annual emission rates calls for a fresh approach to climate change mitigation. one opt...
Cap and trade, CO2, Fossil fuel, Climate Change, Carbon tax, Fossil fuel combustion, Carbon sequestration, Emissions, Carbon policy
Permanent storage of carbon dioxide in geological reservoirs by mineral carbonation
Anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions continue to increase rapidly despite efforts aimed at curbing the release of such gases. One potentially long-term soluti...
Southward movement of the Pacific intertropical convergence zone AD 1400–1850
Tropical rainfall patterns control the subsistence lifestyle of more than one billion people. Seasonal changes in these rainfall patterns are associated with ch...
Committed terrestrial ecosystem changes due to climate change
Targets for stabilizing climate change are often based on considerations of the impacts of different levels of global warming, usually assessing the time of rea...
Sea temperature, CO2, Carbon stocks, Climate and society, Biosphere, Climate Change, Carbon flux, Ice, Carbon cycle, Heat, Carbon sink, Carbon sequestration, Se...
Riverine carbon dioxide release
Inland waters are increasingly recognized as important to the global carbon cycle. Detailed measurements in the United States suggest that significant amounts o...
Wood and river landscapes
The influence of trees and dead wood on river dynamics has long been overlooked. Recent work suggests that large wood pieces can stabilize the land surface, con...
Response of the North Atlantic storm track to climate change shaped by ocean– atmosphere coupling
A poleward shift of the mid-latitude storm tracks in response to anthropogenic greenhouse-gas forcing has been diagnosed in climate model simulations1,2. Explan...