Wildfire and fuel treatment effects on forest carbon dynamics in the western United States
Sequestration of carbon (C) in forests has the potential to mitigate the effects of climate change by offsetting
future emissions of greenhouse gases. However, in dry temperate forests, wildfire is a natural disturbance
agent with the potential to release large fluxes of C into the atmosphere. Climate-driven
increases in wildfire extent and severity are expected to increase the risks of reversal to C stores and
affect the potential of dry forests to sequester C. In the western United States, fuel treatments that
successfully reduce surface fuels in dry forests can mitigate the spread and severity of wildfire, while
reducing both tree mortality and emissions from wildfire. However, heterogeneous burn environments,
site-specific variability in post-fire ecosystem response, and uncertainty in future fire frequency and
extent complicate assessments of long-term (decades to centuries) C dynamics across large landscapes.
Results of studies on the effects of fuel treatments and wildfires on long-term C retention across large
landscapes are limited and equivocal. Stand-scale studies, empirical and modeled, describe a wide range
of total treatment costs (12–116 Mg C ha1
) and reductions in wildfire emissions between treated and
untreated stands (1–40 Mg C ha1
). Conclusions suggest the direction (source, sink) and magnitude of
net C effects from fuel treatments are similarly variable (33 Mg C ha1 to +3 Mg C ha1
). Studies at large
spatial and temporal scales suggest that there is a low likelihood of high-severity wildfire events interacting
with treated forests, negating any expected C benefit from fuels reduction. The frequency, extent,
and severity of wildfire are expected to increase as a result of changing climate, and additional information
on C response to management and disturbance scenarios is needed improve the accuracy and usefulness
of assessments of fuel treatment and wildfire effects on C dynamics.
Publication Date: 2013
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