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You are here: Home / Information / Research / WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research / Assessment of Native Grasses for Forage & Bobwhite Habitat

Assessment of Native Grasses for Forage & Bobwhite Habitat

The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, through its Center for Native Grasslands Management will conduct a study to evaluate the effectiveness of a working lands conservation model for enhancing northern bobwhite and other grasslands wildlife populations. Specifically, we will evaluate native grass forage production within fescue-belt landscapes to determine how effective this strategy is for improved survival and productivity of northern bobwhite and abundance of associated grassland bird species. The study will be conducted in cooperation with partner agencies within the fescue belt.

A graduate student has been identified and data collection will begin in 2019.

This project was funded by NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife.

The study sites are currently in KY.
Assessment of Native Grasses for Forage & Bobwhite Habitat
Project ID