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Climate Science Document Library 2012

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REfugia in conservation.pdf
A Measurable Planetary Boundary for the Biosphere Terrestrial net primary (plant) production provides a measurable boundary for human consumption of Earth’s biological resources.
Conifer regeneration following stand-replacing wildfire varies along an elevation gradient in a ponderosa pine forest, Oregon, USA Climate change is expected to increase disturbances such as stand-replacing wildfire in many ecosystems, which have the potential to drive rapid turnover in eco...
The rebound effect is overplayed Increasing energy efficiency brings emissions savings. Claims that it backfires are a distraction, say Kenneth Gillingham and colleagues.
The rebound effect is overplayed Increasing energy efficiency brings emissions savings. Claims that it backfires are a distraction, say Kenneth Gillingham and colleagues.
Editorial : Beyond forest carbon The preservation of forests, both on land and in mangrove swamps, has received much attention in the move to protect biological carbon stores. Less conspicuous ...
Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided? Environmental problems have contributed to numerous collapses of civilizations in the past. ... But today, for the first time, humanity’s global civilization�...
Carbon Storage with Benefits Biochar—a material related to charcoal—has the potential to benefit farming as well as mitigate climate change.
Climate Change, Aboveground-Belowground Interactions, and Species’ Range Shifts Changes in climate, land use, fire incidence, and ecological connections all may contribute to current species’ range shifts. Species shift range individually...
Land use efficiency: anticipating future demand for land-sector greenhouse gas emissions abatement and managing trade-offs with agriculture, water, and biodiversity Competition for land is increasing, and policy needs to ensure the efficient supply of multiple ecosystem services from land systems. We modelled the spatially ...
Model projections of atmospheric steering of Sandy-like superstorms Superstorm Sandy ravaged the eastern seaboard of the United States, costing a great number of lives and billions of dollars in damage. Whether events like Sandy...
What is the future of conservation? In recent years, some conservation biologists and con- servation organizations have sought to refocus the field of conservation biology by de-emphasizing the go...
Impacts of the EU biofuel policy on agricultural markets and land use The European Union's Renewable Energy Directive (RED)1 sets an overall target of 20% of the EU's energy used to come from renewable sources by 2020. As part of ...
T_Root-Local adaption.pdf
Carbon debt and carbon sequestration parity in forest bioenergy production The capacity for forests to aid in climate change mitigation efforts is substantial but will ultimately depend on their management. If forests remain unharveste...
Barking up the Wrong Tree? Forest Sustainability in the wake of Emerging Bioenergy Policies The spotted owl controversy revealed that federal forest management policies alone could not guarantee functioning forest ecosystems. At the same time as the ow...
Water and bioenergy Water management expert Arjen Hoekstra, together with environmental science and energy specialists, has analysed the impact of increasing the use of biofuels in...
How the type of anthropogenic change alters the consequences of ecological traps Understanding altered ecological and evolutionary dynamics in novel environments is vital for predicting species responses to rapid environmental change. One fu...